Monday, October 17, 2011

3200 Film

I chose these two photos because of the lighting. The lighting is different but looks good. Also because the detail of the dresses in this film makes it more unique. I can use these pictures to influence my work by trying to use more intresting lighting to convey more emotion in the photo. The grain in these photos looks really good and they dont have to much to ruin the picture. In my 3200 roll, sone of the pictures had good lighting but most of them didnt turn out the way I wanted it to look. If I was to shoot another roll I would focus more on unique dramatic lighting and unique poses. The ISO that I used while shooting my roll was 3200. The advantages of this film is that if you are taking pictures of people, it gives the scene a softer feel to it. The disadvantage is that it wont be completely focused.

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