Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Studio Lighting

This photo is unique because it brings the emotions of the girl to life and shows that she is sad because her face is in shadow.

This photo is unique because the pose and lighting show just enough detail.

This photo is unique because the lighting shapes the outline of her body and gives just enough detail to her dress and body.

This picture is unique because the light shows demention and gives the bracelet detail.

This photo is unique becauseit shows intensity and the mask doesn't inersect the the eyes.

Realistic/Ambiguous Portraits

What doesn't look posed are the subjects because they don't seem to realize someone is taking there picture and don't smile and pose for the camera.

This photo doesn't look posed because the little girl is doing crafts and her materials are where she wants them to me. What is posed is were the photographer is because they didn't want the glue intersecting the girls hair.

What doesn't look posed are the subjects because it doesn't look like they know that someone is thaking a picture of them.

What doesn't look posed inthis photo is the subjects because they are having a conversation not paying attention to the camera.

What doesnt look posed is the girl swinging on the swing because the photographer has to wait so that the tree didnt intersect with the girl.

I like this photo because there is no intersection of the people. What makes my photo not posed is that none of the people know I took the photo and they are doing what needs to be done in everyday life. The thing I wish I could change would have been to wait for a half a second longer so that the guys head on the left wouldnt intersect the white.

I like this photo because The people don't intersect each other and the subject is clear. What makes this photo no posed is that the two women are walking away and the guy is waiting for his ride. Also because it shows everyday life without people smiling for the camera. The thing i would like to have changed would have been to get closer to the subjects so that it was clearer.

“David Hockney-style” image

Some important things to consider while shooting a David Hockney are angles, depth and lighting. Angles are important because if you slightly turn the camera, it can disfigure the lines in he photo. Depth is important because if you have two photos that go together and they are not the same depth, then it doesn't look right when you put them together. Lighting is important because if one photos lighting is off then the pictures don't go together and it looks wrong.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Carters Mountain

I loved my Carters Mountain roll. My first picture of my friend Trystam in the abandoned house is my favorite and I would give it a ten because the dramatic lighting is just right and you get enough detail but its not blown out. Plus I got the detail in the window. My second photo is a good shot but not my favorite and I would give it a six because the background distracts the focal point and her head is intersecting the bags.

Positive Polaroid "lift off"

For this process you at least need a dark subject so the colors will show. mood lighting or darker lighing will work best. Also a white background with a contrasting subject would also work. My first photo with my brother and his friend I like because the colors contrast with the background and the shot is clear. My second photo with the girl running through a pumpkin patch I don't like as much because you have a hard time deciding what the subject is.


To create a great sepis print you must have a good subject or scenery.What I intend to uuse as a subject is something that would stand out against a brighter background. My first sepia print of my puppy i don't like as much because the top of her head intersects the bush. My second sepia print i liked because the subject stood out from the rest of the photo.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cale/Choice Roll

My first photo with the bowling pin framed between the legs of the girl has a strong center of interest because the the bowling pin does not intersect with the girls legs. I would give myself an 8 because it doesn't intersect and it shows patients. My second photo with the girl sitting on the stairs has a strong center of interest because it tells a story. I would give this photo and 8 because you see that the girl wants to participate with the activities that are happening in the background but has a big glare in the photo because of the windows.