Monday, March 28, 2011

DVD Questions

1. I really liked day 52of the old growth cedar because it looks mysterious and it is a one in a million shot that turned out perfect.
2.I think he decided to allow himself one photo everyday for 90 days because it made him think creatively and made him think about each shot individually. Also to help him work on catching the perfect shots in that moment.

My Line Photos

I am really happy about this photo because it is simple, has the rule of thirds and has detail.

Curved Satirs:
I am okay with this photo because the curve is in the right spot. I would have made it lighter and maybe addied a shoe to add something to it.


I liked this photo because it took my eye around the photo to notice everything.

I liked this photo because it drew my eye to the detail in the clouds.

I liked this photo because the rope line drew my eye across the photo to the person.

I liked this photo because the lines frame them and pull your eye to the log in the middle.

I liked this photo because it drew my eye across the photo.

My Depth of Field Assignment

Shallow: Twisted Twig
I am happy with this picture because the twig has a lot of detail while the background is really blurred which makes your eye focus on the twig.

Long: Tennis ball and Person on Bench
I am okay with the picture. I would hav liked it to be a little darker and the tennis ball not being in the center of the photograph.

shallow/ long depth of field

This photographer used a medium aperture because you can still see the background a little.

This photographer used a large aperture because the entire background is blurred and the subject is clear.

The photographer used a large aperture because the subject i clear but the background is really blurred.

This photographer used a small aperture because he wanted to get all the detail.

The photographer used a small aperture because he wanted the detail in the backgound along with the detail in the bench.

The photographer used a small aperture because he wanted to capture the detail in the hay bails, the clouds, and the trees.

My Stop Action/ Motion Blurr Shots

Blurr Shot: Swings
I am very happy with this shot because the swing is in motion and the angle of the picture was good.

Stop Action: Legs
I'm okay with this picture. What would have been better is if i got further back and got the whole jump and the rock she jumped off of behind her.

Movement Pictures

The Photographer used a fast shutter speed so he could catch him in mid air.

The photographer used a fast shutter speed so he could catch the water in the air.

The photographer used a fast shutter speed in order to catch her in mid air and to freeze her expression and hair.

The photographer used a slower fast shutter speed because he got the body still but the wings are still slightly moving.

The photographer used a slow shutter speed because the background is blurred.

The photographer used a slow shutter speed so he could get a blurred background and movement in the dogs fur.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Textbook Photo

I might use this idea in that i can have people jumping into the photo to give a unique look to it.  This photo appeals to me because it makes you wonder where the ground is and it makes you realize how strong the people in the photo are.  What i could do is have more action shots where it shows how hard the people actually work in order to do what they do.

House And Backyard Drawing and Ideas

I would take pictures of : 1. The curvy walk way
                                       2. My dog playing in the backyard
                                       3. My selves full of memories
                                       4. Someone busy in the kitchen
                                       5. Someone sleeping on the couch
                                       6. A humming bird at the feeder
                                       7. Maybe take a couple pictures behind my backyard

Descriptive Words for Pictures

No Man Left Behind

This statement is visually connected to this photo because you can see that the soldiers is using his helmet to wash the abandoned dog that he found.  Plus during war fair they go to through cities that there enemies destroy and try to find any survivors and in this picture they found a little dog in the rubble.  You can tell that the guy enjoys helping the puppy and wants to make sure its going to be okay.